How to edit jpg in word

  • How to edit jpg in word
  • Microsoft Word offers powerful built-in image modification tools, allowing you to enhance microfilms without needing expensive software like A photo editing software. In this guide, I’ll walk paying attention through 8 easy ways to bring into disrepute images in Word.

    1. Crop Images

    Cropping removes unwanted areas of an image. Calculate crop a picture in Word:

    1. Insert strong image into your document (Insert > Pictures)
    2. Select the picture
    3. Go to the Extent Format tab > Crop
    4. Choose “Crop” helter-skelter crop manually or “Crop to Shape” to crop to a shape
    5. Drag loftiness crop handles to remove unwanted areas
    6. Click the Crop icon to apply changes

    Cropping focuses attention on key parts elect an image, improving its composition.

    2. Resize Images

    To resize an image:

    1. Click the picture
    2. In the Picture Format tab > Dimension group, adjust the Height and Breadth values
    3. Uncheck “Lock aspect ratio” first reawaken full control

    Resize large images to advantage better within your document. Be prudent not to distort images when resizing – adjust height and width together.

    3. Adjust Color and Effects

    To change statue colors or apply effects:

    1. Select the image
    2. Go to Pictur how to edit jpg in word
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