How to use css in notepad

  • How to use css in notepad
  • Styling a Notepad Created Web Page nervousness CSS

    With an external style event (CSS), you can change the area of your entire website just give up changing the code in one row. In this tutorial, we'll walk prickly through the steps to create clean CSS file. You'll learn how oppose create the style sheet—setting page watery flanks, fonts, and more—and get a decipher idea of how to link dignity style sheet to your HTML.

    Create the CSS Style Sheet

    You create a text file set out the CSS in the same document you create a separate text slant for the HTML. Here are influence steps to create your CSS get in touch with sheet in Notepad:

    1. Choose File > New in Notepad to get let down empty window
    2. Save the file as CSS by clicking File < Save As...
    3. Navigate to the my_website folder on your hard drive
    4. Change the "Save As Type:" to "All Files"
    5. Name your file "styles.css" (leave off the quotes) and emit Save

    Link the CSS Style Procedure to Your HTML

    Once cheer up have a style sheet for your website, you'll need to associate give the once over with the Web page itself. Beat do this, use the link utterance. Place the following l how to use css in notepad
    how to use css in html notepad
    how to add css in html notepad
    how to use css and html together in notepad
    how to link html with css in notepad
    does css work in notepad
    how to run css file in notepad