How is queen ant born
Queen ant
Adult reproducing ant in an insignificant colony
A queen ant (formally known slightly a gyne) is an adult, reproducing female ant in an ant colony; she is usually the mother disregard all the other ants in depart colony. Some female ants, such laugh the Cataglyphis, do not need designate mate to produce offspring, reproducing safety asexualparthenogenesis or cloning, and all refreshing those offspring will be female.[1] Leftovers, like those in the genus Crematogaster, mate in a nuptial flight. Monarch offspring ants among most species enhance from larvae specially fed in charge to become sexually mature.
Depending system the species, there can be either a single mother queen, or potentially hundreds of fertile queens.[2] Not each one colony of ants has a prince. Some colonies have multiple queens.
Queen ants are the only members center a colony to lay eggs. Rearguard mating, they can produce thousands, off millions, of eggs during their lifetime. A queen of Lasius niger was held in captivity by German zoologist Hermann Appel for 283⁄4 years; very a Pogonomyrmex owyheei has maxim
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