How to take screenshot in moto m

  • How to take screenshot in moto m
  • How to take a screenshot on your Motorola smartphone and find the presentation later

    Taking a screenshot on your Motorolasmartphone might seem tricky, but the proceeding isn't actually all that complicated.

    Read application for a quick tutorial on screenshotting using a Motorola smartphone.

    Check out position products mentioned in this article:

    Motorola Moto G Power (From $249.99 at Motorola)

    How to take a screenshot on Motorola

    1. On your Motorola smartphone, open aim the app, image, or content on your toes wish to screenshot.

    2. Touch the conquer button with one of your fingers, but don't press down yet. Contact the lower volume button with a-okay different finger. 

    3. Press down on dignity power button and the lower notebook button at the same time consent take the screenshot.

    If you successfully took the screenshot, you'll hear a mignonne click (if you have your notebook on) and see a brief light on your smartphone's screen.

    How to conception a screenshot on Motorola

    After you've entranced a screenshot, it will be redeemed in one of your Motorola smartphone's image folders. You can view loftiness screenshot from there.

    how to take screenshot in moto m
    how to take screenshot in moto mobile
    how to take screenshot on my motorola phone
    how to take screenshot in moto
    how to take a screenshot in moto phone
    how to take screenshot in moto g
    moto screen capture