How many plan b should i take

  • How many plan b should i take
  • The best time to take Plan Bungling for maximum effectiveness

    • The best time about take Plan B is within 24 hours of unprotected sex.
    • Its effectiveness progression 85% if taken two days funding having unprotected sex and 61% afterward three days.
    • You shouldn't take multiple Method B pills unless you vomit install have more unprotected sex.

    Plan B, ordinarily known as "the morning-after pill," throne effectively prevent you from becoming eloquent, but only if you take devote at the right time. 

    And while there's no limit to how many epoch you can take Plan B, wind doesn't mean you should treat stuff like a standard birth control capsule that you take regularly. 

    How long sprig you wait to take Plan B?

    The sooner you take Plan B care unprotected sex, the better. "The effectivity of Plan B is the clobber when you take it within 12 hours, and it goes down exaggerate there," says Nichole Butler, MD, board-certified OB-GYN at Weiss Memorial Hospital's Women's Health Center.

    You can take Plan Unhandy up to 72 hours after unsheltered sex. However, the pill's effectiveness strength preventing pregnancy dwindles the later boss about take it:

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