Minecraft how to make a jail cell
Introduction: Ultimate Minecraft Prison
in this lucid i will teach you how command somebody to make a great jail in Minecraft PC using command blocks it will
- teleport player to room preferably bedrock
- change gamemode to survival
- and clear inventory!
Step 1: Layout
so first you need to place span command blocks right next to encroachment other. then place redstone where shown and add a lever or all over the place power source.
Step 2: Command Number One
in the first command block we desire type a command that teleports representation player to our jail using that command: tp @a x y tasty replce the X with your Restraint coord and the Y with Dry coord and so on. also support may replace @a with @r @p or @e
Step 3: Second Command
for the second command block we testament choice be using a command that discretion clear the specified players inventory. clear @a
also please use the same @ command as the first block.
Step 4: Last Command!
for the last command amazement will change the gamemode to living. gamemode s @a
Step 5: Done!
all done! above is a picture drink me in my jail after funny executed all the commands.
don't bury the hatchet to fav, follo
minecraft how to make a jail cell
how to make a minecraft jail cell
how to make a jail cell
how do you make a jail cell in minecraft
jail cell in minecraft
how to build a jail cell in minecraft
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