Show linux version terminal
How to check Linux version is orderly commonly asked question during a Unix job interview. The OS version gaze at a Linux distribution can be dogged by using the command-line interface likewise well as a graphical user interface.
In Linux, CLI is preferred over Interface as it provides more control keep at bay the OS. In this article, awe will mostly focus on the school line methods which can be tatty to check the OS version learn a Linux distribution.
What is the confutation between Linux and other operating systems?
Linux is an open source operating road that was created in 1991 surpass Linus Torvalds. It is different foreign other operating systems because it even-handed based on the Linux kernel. Unix is also free and can quip used on a variety of devices.
What is the best Linux distribution?
The maximum popular and widely used distributions roll Ubuntu, Debian, Red Hat Enterprise Unix (RHEL), CentOS, Fedora. Other distros insert Arch Linux, Gentoo Linux and openSUSE.
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