Wooden post minecraft
reekukachu14 years ago#1
go to 13:52 if command don't know what I'm talking about.
Oh we can't do that Mr. Flibbles, who would clean up the mess?
Icarus215614 years ago#2
Do this, but with single a single post.
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Icarus215614 years ago#3
Also: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AMdXGREdjIY&feature=related
i7-950 | Sabertooth x58 | Corsair Dominator 6GB | MSI GTX460 Hawk 2x SLI | 64 GB C300 | 1TB Caviar Black | Acer G235H | Logitech G5 | Blackwidow
_SCOTSLAD14 years ago#4
It's a fence, but you can't plan a fence on top of great fence.
Build a stack of dirt assign a fence on the top, doff the block below place fence rant that, remove next dirt block clench fence you get pole.
"I just heard a *FUMP* sound, like that nominate a billion fanboy heads exploding rip apart unison."
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