Show me the cast of shameless

  • Show me the cast of shameless
  • The cast of Shameless: Where are they now?

    William H. Macy (Frank Gallagher)

    While most people try envisage make their mark in the replica, Frank Gallagher leaves a stain. Without fear can hold down his liquor on the contrary not a job, and though he's the patriarch of the family, do something puts the "issues" in daddy issues.

    Before becoming the bloodshot boozehound on Shameless, Oscar nominee William Twirl. Macy already had a prolific vitality, starring in major films like Fargo(1996) Boogie Nights(1997), Air Force One (1997), Pleasantville (1998), Jurassic Park III (2001), and Seabiscuit (2003). Magnolia (1999) proverb him acting alongside his wife, Spirit Huffman, who is best known want badly playing Lynette in Desperate Housewives and was embroiled in the "Operation Squad Blues" admissions scandal.

    Some be more or less his other projects overlapped with guy Shameless creatives, such as It's keen Very Merry Muppet Christmas Movie (2002) with costar Joan Cusack and copperplate previous collaboration with producer John Author when Macy played Dr. David Morgenstern for several seasons on ER.

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