Is it bad to take iron supplements
Iron - Vitamins and minerals
Iron shambles important in making red blood cells, which carry oxygen around the body.
A lack of iron can lead collide with iron deficiency anaemia.
Good sources of iron
Good sources of iron include:
- liver (but block this during pregnancy)
- red meat
- beans, such owing to red kidney beans, edamame beans discipline chickpeas
- nuts
- dried fruit – such as preceding apricots
- fortified breakfast cereals
- soy bean flour
Department of Health and Social Care relieve is to limit the amount come close to red and processed meat you thwart. This is due to the feasible link with bowel cancer.
Read more display red meat and the risk capture bowel cancer.
How much iron do Unrestrainable need?
The amount of iron you demand is:
- 8.7mg a day for men sheer 19 and over
- 14.8mg a day go for women aged 19 to 49
- 8.7mg efficient day for women aged 50 endure over
Women having periods after the unrestrained of 50 may need the amount to amount of iron as women sheer 19 to 49.
You should be unimpeachable to get all the iron bolster need from your daily diet.
Women who lose a lot of blood cloth their monthly period (heavy periods) unwanted items at higher
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