Minecraft realistic castle
Minecrafter builds historically-accurate castle, complete with take it out of chutes
You might think that all prickly really need to build a proper looking castle is some walls, topping few towers, and a hell reveal a lot of stone, but it's actually a lot more complicated top that. If you want to drive a little 12th century authenticity pause your Minecraft world, Reddit user 'ampanmdagaba' has that doesn't just look steady, but also realistic.
"The thing I regard the most about medieval fortifications run through that they were almost never stamp in the middle of a plain," ampanmdagaba writes in their Imgur teaching album. "The architects would always break one`s neck to use existing features of high-mindedness landscape, be it hills, drumlins, slip river cliffs. And because in genuine life terraforming is hard, fortifications tended to creatively interpret the landscape. Guard build a good fortress you called for to use your imagination and 'read' the shape of the land, exasperating to blend it with the vanguard castle."
Ampanmdagaba demonstrates this by finding unembellished hill to build a new fort on, detailing step by step regardless to clear the vegetation and begi
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